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Machine 2 Machine

The mobile machine-to-machine (M2M) market is expected to grow from approximately 100 - 200 million connections globally today to roughly 1 billion connections in another five years to around 60 billion by 2020. Machine to Machine (M2M) connectivity technologies primarily collect and transfer data from physical devices, smart assets or conventional consumer items. M2M concept and related technologies have been in place for quite some time. However, it is only now that M2M is witnessing accelerated growth. Smart devices connected to the Internet are poised to become the information and services growth engines in the coming years.

The M2M market is comprised of a number of industry verticals and distinct applications, each with its own specific set of market adoption drivers and challenges. Nevertheless, certain general drivers/enablers and challenges/inhibitors tend to impact the M2M market more generally, as discussed below.

  • Mobile network coverage is being expanded worldwide.
  • Telematics and telemetry are seen increasingly as sources of greater operational efficiency and increased incremental revenue.
  • M2M applications benefit from R&D and the scale of the mobile handset industry.
  • Technical advances in air interface standards are enabling new 3G M2M market segments